Fungal Infections

A fungal infection, also called mycosis, is a skin disease caused by a fungus. There are millions of species of fungi. They live in the dirt, on plants, on household surfaces, and on your skin. Sometimes, they can lead to skin problems like rashes or bumps.

The medical name for a fungal skin infection is Tinea. Types of fungal infections include :

  • Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis): The most common type of fungal infection, this condition often spreads when people walk barefoot in public bathrooms or locker rooms. The skin between your toes turns white and starts to peel. It can also affect the soles (bottoms) of the feet.
  • Nail fungus (onychomycosis): This infection is a common foot problem. It usually affects the toenails, which become yellow and thick and break easily.
  • Jock itch (tinea cruris): A rash of the groin area, jock itch affects more men than women.
  • Scalp ringworm (tinea capitis): This rash occurs mostly in children. It causes hair loss, but with the right treatment, the hair usually grows back.
  • Ringworm (tinea corporis): This “catch-all” term is what healthcare providers call a rash that doesn’t fit into any other category. The rash often forms a ring shape.
How can I prevent Fungal Infections?
  • Good Skin Hygiene
    • Use Mild Soaps and cleansers
    • Don’t use scrubs
  • Good Foot Hygiene –
    • Change your socks and wash your feet regularly. Avoid shoes made of plastic, which doesn’t breathe.
    • Don’t walk barefoot, especially in places that may be wet, such as gym showers and locker rooms.
    • When cutting your toenails, cut straight across the nail.